John Martin

John Martin is a producer, writer, consultant, and multi-passionate creative based in Philadelphia, PA.

I’m not going to do an entire website in third-person, that’s too much.

I’ve been described as a “type-A creative,” in that years of media production and however many permits and COIs later I’ve come to understand that creativity requires structure. Structure that does not strangle, but that creates the container through which creativity leaks into process as usual.

I’m driven by ideas. I live on “why” rather than “what,” in my own work as well as what I bring to a team. I have contributed to feature films, commercials, business development, and experiential events with this spirit of inquiry; it’s gone well so far.

You want to know what I’ve been up to? Ask me how many COVID tests I sold in 2021. Ask me who my favorite Greek god is.

Ask me for my help, I’ll listen.

Feel free to take a look around.

Tours by appointment only.

“Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.”

– Napoleon Hill

“Do not reveal your thoughts to everyone, lest you drive away your good luck.”

– Sirach 8:19

“Everyone’s got a plan until you get punched in the face.”

– Mike Tyson